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Word for the day


I trust in the Lord for protection. So why do you say to me, "fly like a bird to the mountains for safety?" Psalm 11:1

David the writer of Psalm 11 was being reminded of how evil was prevailing against the righteous. How they lurked in the shadows from which they attacked the righteous. How it seemed like the very foundation of the righteous had been destroyed... So what can the righteous do?

David knew where his help came from. He replied "The Lord still rules from heaven He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth." The Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness; He beholds the upright and will rain fire and brimstone upon the wicked.

Reminds me of the verse that says "The Lord desires truth in the inward parts." David reminds us that God examines everyone on the earth. He is with the righteous, but the wicked will be condemned.

Inward righteousness. How do we obtain it?

Jesus said "I am the Way, the Life and the Truth." The greatest exchange in all of eternity is Christ taking sin from the one who looks unto Him, believing in his heart and professing Him with his mouth, and then giving that one His righteousness.

So God, our great Shepherd will one day separate the sheep (righteous ones) from the goats (unrighteous ones). The sheep will behold Him in all of His glory while the goats will experience fire and brimstone.

Heavenly Father how wonderful it is that we need not fear the schemes of the wicked. You are with the righteous. You love righteousness. Help us Lord to walk in the righteousness we obtained when we were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. When our sin was taken and Your righteousness given to us. Thank You so much. In Jesus name. AMEN AMEN

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