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Word for the day


When she heard about Jesus, she came behind him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said" if only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well." Mark 5:27–28

What a scene. One of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus, whose daughter was at the point of death, begged Jesus to come and help her. So this large crowd is moving methodically through the streets with Jesus who is on His way to Jairus's house. When a woman who had a medical condition for 12 years heard about Him and spotted Him. If only, if only, I can manage to get close enough to just touch His clothes, I know I will be made well...

She did it, she managed to get close enough and touch His clothes. She could feel in an instant, healing flowing through her body. 12 years with this condition and now I am healed! All is well until Jesus stopped and said, "who touched me"? She knew, that He knew, what she had done. Her jubilation quickly turned to fear. Knowing that He knew and there was no hiding it, she came and fell at His feet and told Him her story.

Jesus was such a beautiful person. He had such a loving compassionate heart. He said to her "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction."

I just love the details of that story. The ailment this woman had made her ceremony unclean. She was not able to gather and worship. Her condition had made her an outcast for 12 years... With one touch, her life was restored. The one touch was the touch of the Master.

Oh Heavenly Father, the one touch of the Master was a touch from You. Oh the tender compassion You have for those who come to You with the faith of this woman. "Your faith has made you well"... If only I could get to this One called Jesus.... What beauty there is in this story of life... "He who comes to Me must believe that "I AM". Amid our ailments there is One who bids us come... Thank You Heavenly Father that it is You. AMEN.

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